Annual Congress

SECEC Congress - where people and ideas meet

The SECEC annual congress always aimed to be a scientific meeting of the highest quality and a wonderful opportunity for communication among professionals.

Every year we work hard to offer carefully chosen instructional courses and literature analysis as the bedrock of our congress as well as a full scientific programme: symposia and presentations, lectures and instructional course underline SECEC's commitment to continuous education.

Our last congress in 2022 was hosted in beautiful city of Dublin, in 2024 it is going to take place in Munich: keep updated on next year's event on SECEC 2024.

Next congresses

2024 SECEC Congress
Munich, Germany
From Sept. 4, 2024 - To Sept. 6, 2024
2025 SECEC Congress
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
From Sept. 17, 2025 - To Sept. 19, 2025
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