A number of positions will be open on SECEC committees in September. Do not hesitate to explore our committees and consider joining one that aligns with your interests. We have groups covering a wide range of topics. Your involvement will not only contribute to the growth of SECEC but also provide you with valuable networking and collaboration opportunities.
Committees with positions opening:
- Programme Committee : This committee is responsible for the programme of the annual congress, with the constant concern for selecting the best scientific content to ensure the best professional development of all shoulder and elbow specialists. It plays a pivotal role in coordinating the scientific programme, selecting sessions, reviewing submissions, allocating abstracts. The Programme Committee is led by the Secretary General, it consists of 4 full members together with the next congress co-chairs and the chair of the Digital Media Committee. Its term of office is 2 years.
- Registries and Multicentric studies : this committee aims to advocate the usefulness and importance of national arthroplasty registries to members of SECEC and to support collaboration between registries. It creates opportunities for research at a European level and is responsible for large collaborations between centers in Europe, providing support and tools for collecting data. The Registries and Mutlicentric Studies Committee members can offer their assistance to any new emerging registries to share their knowledge.
- Research and Development : this committee aims to foster the scientific attitude of our members by awarding research prizes and grants. It provides a platform for sharing information tools (guide to making a survey and outcome measures) and to conduct surveys. It is responsible for the notation and selection of many of SECEC’s prizes and awards. It is responsible for the long term follow up of all research projects, from budget planning to publication for the benefit of the SECEC Community.
- Health Care Delivery : this committee, aligned with the SECEC values for the highest standards of treatment for shoulder and elbow conditions in Europe, has intensified its activity in establishing and promoting relations with other professionals including orthopaedic and trauma surgeons involved in the care, research or education of shoulder and elbow. It is responsible for the SECEC/ EUSSER programme as well as the relationship with EFORT.
- Membership : this committee is responsible for the definition of the evaluation criteria for granting Full, Junior and Corresponding membership. The Membership Committee is in close contact with the National Delegates in order to recruit young capable members.
- Digital Media: this committee is making sure that the association website is constantly updated and that the features available for members are in line with their needs (educational videos/ list of education centers/ latest news). It is also responsible for some of the social media content and for the SECEC app.
If you are interested, the process is quite simple, just login your personal area and click on “apply for committees”, no need to fill up any form 😊.
The deadline for applications is August 20th, 2024.