11th ICSES Congress

Edinburgh, UK Sept. 5, 2010 - Sept. 8, 2010

On behalf of the International Board of Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (IBSES) I wish to extend a very warm welcome to you all to our 11th international meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland.

The Edinburgh International Conference Centre is superb and right at the heart of one of our most compact and friendly cities which should encourage everyone to meet together and enjoy the occasion.

Every three years our international conference (ICSES) is held in a different host city around the world. The site is decided by a ballot of the delegates 6 years in advance. This is the first time that it has been held in Scotland but not the first time for Great Britain. The very first meeting was organised by Prof. Lipmann Kessell in London in 1980. So I am very proud to be chairman at the time it returns home to our shores. I was present at the original meeting and am thrilled at the way shoulder surgery has advanced and evolved over the years.

Each meeting has been very different but each one has made a statement as to where we are and what we have achieved within the medical scientific community.

The local organising committee headed by Angus Wallace have worked enormously hard to arrange the meeting so that it will be enjoyable both academically and socially. The competition for paper acceptance is always high and ensures that the quality of the free paper sessions improves with each meeting. Roger Emery has been in charge of the scientific committee ensuring that the papers are judged in the most democratic manner. There are also instructional update symposia and workshops by the best speakers in the shoulder and elbow world. There are exciting changes happening in our fast moving speciality and we must represent all.

The ICSES is unique in that it is the showcase of the views of those involved in shoulder and elbow surgery throughout the world.

We are a very special group and meeting every three years gives us a great opportunity to make new friends and renew old acquaintances.

Welcome to Scotland and Edinburgh, I hope you all have a very happy and rewarding meeting.

Stephen Copeland
International Board of Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons

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